Monday, March 9, 2015

World renowned leaders

We often hear of a comment that “he or she is a born leader.  We find certain characteristic in same people that seem to naturally put them in a position where they are looked up to as a leader.  However, whether a person in fact is born a leader or develops skills and abilities to become a leader is open for debate.   There are some characteristics that are found in good leaders.   These qualities can be developed or may be naturally part of the personality.  
            A good leader is crucial for any government, business or organization.   Qualities of good leader and leadership abilities are essential to achieve the desired goals.  Different strategies and leadership styles are used to achieve the desired goals of organization.  A leader or executive guides its subordinates to achieve the goals in a specific direction and in a particular time frame. 
            Good leaders are those who are of exemplary character.  They “talk the talk and walk the talk” and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others.  A leader’s character should possess and manifests virtues such as honesty, kindness, generosity and fairness.  A leader should be a person of integrity, posse’s motivation skills, communication skills and also should be courageous enough to shoulder the responsibility in case of the any failures of his team in certain endeavor. 
            Only because of these leadership qualities, people like Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Obama, Abdul Khalam, Modi and many others could bring about great success  to the movements and the crisis of their  time and  brought peace and good to the mankind by ending injustice, inequalities, suppression, restlessness  in the  society.        
On reading the autobiographies of the great leaders, what we understand is that the leader is a person who works not for fame but works for the upliftment and welfare of the people by sacrificing their personal life.  If we take the life of Nelson Mandela, he was firm in Ideology and never compromised with his principles.  He sacrificed his life for his Nation and was in jail for 27 years.  He focused throwing out the legacy of apartheid by ending racism, poverty, inequality and on improving racial understanding in South Africa.  Mr. Gandhi fought for peace and non-violence.  He died trying to free his country from foreign interference.  He is a great person who by his efforts made the Britishers leaves India.  Martin Luther fought for the dignity of Black and the poor people.  He helped people struggling to make a living.  He made the Americans realize that black people and white people are of equal rank and should respect and love each other no matter what skin, colour or religion a person is.  
These are the people who had deep human qualities and serving nature in them due to which, they could make the world a better place to live in.  Inspired by the leadership qualities of these people, the new generation leaders like Obama and Narendra Modi have come up and are tremendously performing well with Governments they are leading.  Hence, I would say that a person to be a leader should have deep human qualities and a concept of serving others.  Any person with these qualities can change any Society, Organization, a group and the people within it for the common good.  So with the seeds that these great leaders have sown, let’s begin the change with each one of us at home, College, work place and so on. 

References :
2) leaders - 1569595.html

Mahatma Gandhi - Leader of Indian independence movement in British ruled India through nonviolence moment.

Mahatma Gandhi 
He is a simple pious person who held no official political title, he commended no army and he amassed  no great wealth but still he could gain tremendous influence.  This exemplary leader derived his power from the conscious citizenry.  Gandhij’s actual name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (born in October 2nd 1869 in Porbandor (Gujarat) India and died on 30th January 1948 in New Delhi India).  He was married at the age of 13 and has left his wife at home in India while he travelled to England during his late teen and early 20’s to study law.  In 1891 he returned home to practice law at Bombay but when he failed he went to South Africa in 1893 on a one year contract with an Indian Firm located there.   He spent 21 years in South Africa where he suffered a number of racial indignities.  It was in South Africa, he launched Civil Disobedience movement against the racial behavior meted out to Asian immigrants.   It was here that he developed his political views, leadership skills and ethics.  Racial humiliation and discrimination was met by most of the Indians which was not new in culture hence led Gandhi to defend his dignity as a human not accepting any injustice.   Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence involved Civil resistance, refusal to comply with unjust laws.  He organized resistance to the notorious and grossly unjust apartheid system, which proved significant legislative change.  He left an indelible mark in the South African struggle for racial justice.   He formed two ideas that were crucial to his later work.  The first was the idea of independence for India and the second was about the importance of truth, love and non-violence.   He returned to India in the year 1915.  He fought against the Britishers to free India from their clutches.   Gandhiji believed that organized non-violent civil resistance, not war would awaken the consciousness of the British to their unjust domination over India and at last drove them out of India by using powerful weapon known as non-violence. It is not easy to influence a multi -linguistic populace of diversified Millions of Indians.  He is the only man and no world leader had such positive affect over Millions of people.  His probably the first man in the History to have won against the British without fighting.  He is a great peace maker human on the planet ever.   Gandhiji though never used the phrase “Human rights” he was  a champion of Indian Rights and Social justice and  he inspired leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr and Nelson Mandela.  Gandhiji is considered as such a great leader that he is frequently referred to as Mahatma, a word that means a “great soul”.

References :

1) -Gandhi- An-Exemplary-Leader-1360724.html
2) File:IIIC:Users/Administrator/Desktop/Newclub/what%20 qualities %20%20%20% 20 html.
3) The Telugu edition of an Autobiography of  Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi  by  Vemuri Radhakrishna murhy

4) Navjeevan publication house, Amhedabad – First edition Dec 1993.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Martin Luther king - equality of justice to all

Martin Luther King
          Martin Luther king Jr has a remarkable legacy in his life and definitely qualifies as a famous leader. 
           Martin Luther king Jr (1929-1968) was a Baptist Minister and Social activist who played a key role in the American Civil rights movement from the mid-1950’s until his assassination in 1968.  He was inspired by advocates of non-violence such as Mahatma Gandhi.  Martin Luther king Jr disliked the way that white people treated African-Americans.  He thought it was high time that Americans especially stood up to be counted as citizens of the USA and that they should be treated equally and fairly in everyday life and business. King wanted to bring equality to African Americans, the economically disadvantaged and victim of injustice through peaceful protests, he spread the word stating that African-Americans should boycott the buses to halt the unfair laws.  He lead boycotts, Marches and made Valliant speeches.  Martin Luther king Jr was a speaker that spoke out for African –American rights.  His most famous speech is “ I have a dream” which  he gave  at the Lincoln Memorial which protested the laws that the government had set in place for racial discrimination.     
              He wanted peace between African-American and white people. Under his leadership, African –Americans across the nation protested peacefully for change and   the landmark legislations i.e, the civil rights Act of 1964 and the voting rights Act of 1965 was passed.   His dream came true and the African-Americans have no longer separate schools, restaurants and halved in general.   King was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1964.

            During his fight for equality and justice, he faced several problems.  He earned so many enemies and was jailed several times but he never gave up his fight for racial equality for all mankind.  He strived for the equality between everyone.   No idea why he had to die for doing a good thing.  He was assassinated in the year 1968 by James Earl Ray.  As a mark of respect, he is remembered each year on the third Monday of January as Martin Luther King Jr Day in United States.

References : 
1) - King-Jr.html.
2) _luther_king.S

Nelson Mandela -Symbolized the struggle of the oppressed people around the world.

 Nelson Mandela is a South African leader, who spent several years in prison for opposing  apartheid, i.e, the policy by which only white citizens of  South Africa were permitted to participate in government and hold the best positions in all of the country’s  institutions and the black people, who were the majority of the population, were consigned to menial  jobs and had little power even in the Bantustans created by the white government as semi-autonomous “homelands” for black south Africans. 

             Nelson Mandela was born in a small village called Transked in South Africa on July 18, 1918 and his birth name was Rolihlahla.  It was at his school that his teacher renamed him Nelson.  His father was chief of the village and a member of the Royal family of the Thember tribe.  Mandela grew up in a company of tribal elders and chief which gave him a rich sense of African self-government and heritage, despite the cruel treatment of blacks in white governed South Africa.  In 1942, he received a degree in law from University of South Africa.   In 1944, he joined the African National Congress (ANC) a South African political party, since its inception, its main goal had been to work to improve conditions and rights for people of color in South Africa.  He helped to establish a youth league within the African National Congress that stepped up acts of peaceful disobedience.  He also founded a law firm that provided low-cost legal counsel to black citizens.  He became President of league In 1951.  The years between 1951 and 1960 were troubled times, both for South Africa and for the ANC.  Younger antiapartheid  activists (Protesters ), including Mandela, came  to the  view that nonviolent demonstrations against apartheid did not  work, because they  allowed  the South African government to respond with violence against Africans.  Mandela came to believe that the armed conflict would be necessary to end apartheid.  He formed a Military group that engaged in acts of sabotage and also led a national worker’s strike.  He was arrested for leading this strike and sentenced to five years in prison.  In 1963, he was again brought to trial for acts of sabotage and sentenced to life imprisonment.  He spent 27 years in prison.  Upon his release from prison, he became the first elected President of black-majority-ruled South Africa in which apartheid was officially ended.  He won the nobel peace prize in 1993.

1) http://simple.wikipedia-org/wiki/nelsonmandela
2)// –politics/nelson-mandela-doing now-3dc 14679cb37 ie 179 qo= question page similar content

Barack Obama - Made a proliferate change in the life of people through different amendments.

 Barack Husseino Obama II is the 44th President of United States.  He is born on August 4th, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii.  
               His father was a black exchange student named Barack Obama Sr, his mother was a white woman from Kankas named Ann Dunhan, who was an anthropologists.  His parents married in the year 1961 and divorced in 1964.  Later Obama’s mom married an Indonesian by name Lolosoetoro in 1965.  She divorced in 1980. He spent most of his childhood in Hawaii and Chicago, Illiom’s .  He lived Indonesia with his mother and stepfather from age 6 to 10 and thereafter he moved back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. 
               He started his College life at Ouidental College in his Angeles, and graduated from Columbia University in New York City.  Obama took interest in being a community organizer in a low income neighborhood, and served as a Church based community organizer before studying law at Harvard law school.  He eventually had sworn in as Senator of Illinois in 2004.   While he was Illinois state senator, he was known for writing a law   that required police to keep records on the race of people they stopped.  The law that he wrote also forced police to videotape when they talked to people they suspect murder.   He also taught law part time at the University of Chicago law school.  Obama later ran for the U.S Senate.  While renewing for Senate, John Kerry asked him to speak at the Democratic National Convention.  Most people had never heard of Obama, but many people saw him speak on Television and he became well known after that.  He was a U.S.Senator from 2005 to 2008.  Obama won the Presidential election of 2008 and was sworn in as President of the United States of America.  Obama saw United States battling a tough recession.   During the tough times, he asked Congress to spend an extra $787 Billion to try to end the recession.  He called the plan the stimulus bill.  The stimulus bill funded many road projects, gave money to schools, gave tax credits to many Americans and funded many science and research projects.  He gave billions of dollars to Car companies and banks so that they would not go bankrupt he also signed an Act written by Barney Frank and chris Dodd which regulate (the financial industry) to prevent another recession like this from happening again.  He signed patient protection and affordable care Act which would being health care reform to the United States, which he said would change the system  so that more people can afford health care.

    He was influenced by the great leaders Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela, he always used to say in many speeches about the influence of Mahatma Gandhi on american leaders such as Martin Luther King.

           During the rising deficits, under his administration, he called for taxes to be increased on the rich and wealthy Americans, who can afford to pay them.  Obama has also initiated the ending of the Iraq war and continued the war on terror which resulted in the killing of Osama bill Laden on May 2, 2011.  He initiated a no-fly-zone policy on Libya which ended the Civil war in October 2011 with the killing of Muammar al-Gaddafi. 
            Obama is a multitalented person, he knows different languages and even the sign language.  He was a member of his high school basket ball and worked as a Lecturer for 10 years and also published a book.  He is a Nobel Prize winner.  He is a leader who took up tough decisions during crucial times in America.  He is a man who kept his promise.  Health care, Foreign policy, auto industry, war and economic reform-there have been many promises which Obama has delivered on.  Though it was not a smooth sailing, Obama has somehow lived up to the expectations of his people.  

1)     http”//Prinicess with a  pen hub Barack-Obama –A-   look-at leadership – qualities and personality – traits – of –the u---
2)   // simple/Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Barack_Obama posted on Jan 4, 2010

Narendea Modi - A tea vendor at initial stage of his life had become the prime minister of India with his leadership qualities.

Narendra Modi – Narendra Damodardas Modi better known as Narendra Modi, is the 15th Prime Minister of India and he was the 14th Chief Minister of Gujarat. Later he resigned from the position as a Chief Minister of Gujarat, as he was elected as a Prime Minister of India, after the huge victory in Indian General Election 2014.
            Narendra Modi was born on 17th September 1950 to a middle class family of grocers in Vadnagar in Mehsana District of Gujarat. Damodardas Mulchand Modi was his father, while the name of his mother is Heeraben Narendra Modi worked in a tea stall along with his brother, which is located near a bus terminus. He finished his schooling in Vadnagar and did his Masters Degree in Political Science from Gujarat University. Even as a boy he was interested in social services. During his Indo-Pak was in early sixties, he went to help the soldiers in transit in railway stations. In 1967 he offered voluntary services to the people affected in Narmada Tapti floods. He continued serving the victims of major disasters in various parts of the country in his student and adult life.
            Narendra Modi’s abilities and leadership qualities were seen in the early days of his student life. When he became the student leader of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (All India Students Council) he played a major role in the anticorruption movement in Gujarat.
            He while making his living by working in a Gujarat State Transport Corporation’s Canteen, he worked as a “Pracharak” or propagandist of the Rashtriya Swayam Sevak (RSS) during 1974. After he received training in Nagpur, he was made the supervisor of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad or ABVP in Gujarat. (A powerful national student body) and became a full time worker and organizer. He joined in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the early 1980’s. He was the bridge between the RSS and BJP. He was elevated to the level of General Secretary of the Gujarat Unit of the party in 1988. In 1993, he was made the National Secretary of the party in-charge of five major States in India – a rare distinction.
            Narendra Modi played a crucial role in the Gujarat state elections of 1995 and 1998 and also in the general elections of 2009 and 2014. He became Gujarat’s Chief Minister in October 2001 when his predecessor Keshubhai Patel resigned. Since 7th October 2001 Modi has been the Chief Minister of Gujarat. During his tenure as Gujarat’s Chief Minister, his concepts included the ideas of small government and privatization. In December 2002, Narendra Modi won re-election as Chief Minister. During his second term as Chief Minister (2002 to 2007), in order to compensate for economic losses, he re-organised the Government’s administrative structure. It was during his hardship he successfully reduced the fiscal deficit of the state by 50% and he slashed the loses of the huge public utility (Gujarat Electricity Board), besides making available electricity for domestic consumption in over 5000 villages. His Govt. was also successful in raising the height of the crucial Narmada Dam from 95 to 110.64 meters. The increased height has resulted in increases irrigation, water supplies and hydroelectric power generations. Under Modi Government, the scenario of electricity in several rural portions of Gujarat improved drastically. The ‘Jyotigram Yojana scheme was undertaken, which was inspired by the concepts of the International Water Management Institute. Narendra Modi was awarded as the Best Chief Minister twice in 3 years after a country-wide survey organized in 2006 by India today. He has become the Nation’s darling by virtue of his qualities and splendid achievements.  He became the Prime Minister of India in the year 2014 and resigned from the post of Chief Minister of Gujarat on 25th May, 2014.
            Narendra Modi is man down to earth, a tough taskmaster, an able and inspiring leader. He is also a great administrator and an equally great orator. He possesses all the qualities a true leader and a man of the masses needs to possess. He is a man with a vision and innovation. He is able to recognize merit and talent. He is not narrow-minded and is a selfless man. He induced those who worked with him to respect the cardinal principles of governance so as to make the people feel that they are an integral part of the system. He is honest to the core. He has no personal axe to grind and remains aloof from his relatives. He has a good old and compassionate mother, but he doesn’t live with her, not because he doesn’t want to, but because he has many things to do for his State, his society and his nation. At the same time, he takes complete care of his mother like an obedient, caring and indebted son.
            He works round-the-clock for his country and devises and implements policies which suit the citizens best. He inspires people, including the talented but left-to-the-lurch youth, across the country. He is humble and he invariably publicly acknowledges that he might have committed some wrongs like all ‘normal’ human beings invariably commit and that he is open to correct them. I personally feel that he is indeed a great leader.

