Monday, March 9, 2015

Mahatma Gandhi - Leader of Indian independence movement in British ruled India through nonviolence moment.

Mahatma Gandhi 
He is a simple pious person who held no official political title, he commended no army and he amassed  no great wealth but still he could gain tremendous influence.  This exemplary leader derived his power from the conscious citizenry.  Gandhij’s actual name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (born in October 2nd 1869 in Porbandor (Gujarat) India and died on 30th January 1948 in New Delhi India).  He was married at the age of 13 and has left his wife at home in India while he travelled to England during his late teen and early 20’s to study law.  In 1891 he returned home to practice law at Bombay but when he failed he went to South Africa in 1893 on a one year contract with an Indian Firm located there.   He spent 21 years in South Africa where he suffered a number of racial indignities.  It was in South Africa, he launched Civil Disobedience movement against the racial behavior meted out to Asian immigrants.   It was here that he developed his political views, leadership skills and ethics.  Racial humiliation and discrimination was met by most of the Indians which was not new in culture hence led Gandhi to defend his dignity as a human not accepting any injustice.   Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence involved Civil resistance, refusal to comply with unjust laws.  He organized resistance to the notorious and grossly unjust apartheid system, which proved significant legislative change.  He left an indelible mark in the South African struggle for racial justice.   He formed two ideas that were crucial to his later work.  The first was the idea of independence for India and the second was about the importance of truth, love and non-violence.   He returned to India in the year 1915.  He fought against the Britishers to free India from their clutches.   Gandhiji believed that organized non-violent civil resistance, not war would awaken the consciousness of the British to their unjust domination over India and at last drove them out of India by using powerful weapon known as non-violence. It is not easy to influence a multi -linguistic populace of diversified Millions of Indians.  He is the only man and no world leader had such positive affect over Millions of people.  His probably the first man in the History to have won against the British without fighting.  He is a great peace maker human on the planet ever.   Gandhiji though never used the phrase “Human rights” he was  a champion of Indian Rights and Social justice and  he inspired leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr and Nelson Mandela.  Gandhiji is considered as such a great leader that he is frequently referred to as Mahatma, a word that means a “great soul”.

References :

1) -Gandhi- An-Exemplary-Leader-1360724.html
2) File:IIIC:Users/Administrator/Desktop/Newclub/what%20 qualities %20%20%20% 20 html.
3) The Telugu edition of an Autobiography of  Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi  by  Vemuri Radhakrishna murhy

4) Navjeevan publication house, Amhedabad – First edition Dec 1993.

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